Texas Adjuster License School-Xactimate Training & Insurance Adjuster Training** 972-837-8621 **TX Adjuster CE Provider


Please check your email now.  

You will receive a purchase confirmation from either Amazon or Google Checkout, depending on how you chose to pay.   You should receive the email within the next few minutes; if you do not see it, check your spam folder.

Your Webinar Link Is Generated Manually…


Your webinar link  for the class will be generated manually and will be sent separately, along with your class materials. You may not receive this link until 48 hours before the class begins.


1. You MUST download a demo version of Xactimate software to your computer,  prior to your class.

Please do NOT wait until the day of the training class to do this; the download is large! You also need plenty of time to install the software and have it ready for use. If you have problems with the download or set up, please contact the software vendor, Xactware.com.

2.  Watch your email for items coming from the following address:  adjustertrainer@gmail.com;  you will receive class materials and a webinar link from this address.

>>>>Get the demo software at www.Xactware.com<<<

Thank you for training with us!